This repository serves as a playground for experiments using ThreeJS inside VueJS
Powered by ViteJS
Made by Alvaro Saburido
Copyright © 2022-present
Add a more complex custom shader to your scene using glsl files for vertex and fragment shaders
Create a portal scene with Blender 3.0 and baking technique, from Brunos Simon course
Load a glTF model using the GLTFLoader
Usage of Texture Loader and different PBR textures maps for Albedo, Normal, Roughness, Metalness and Ambient Occlusion
Add a custom shader to your scene using glsl vertex and fragment shaders
How to animate camera position with GSAP
Basic ThreeJS Scene with a Geometry, a Plane, Orbit Controls using vue composition API
Basic ThreeJS Scene with a Geometry, a Plane, Orbit Controls