Portal Journey Scene
Portal scene with Blender 3.0 and texture baking technique, from Bruno’s Simon course ThreeJS Journey
This was my first experiment of exporting a whole scene from Blender, learning how to optimize performance with Texture Baking Technique.
Baking Technique
The calculation of light and shadows is one of the most performance-costly aspects of a render. The idea of the texture baking is to “bake” the light and shadow information from the scene into a texture, so we can use it in the final render.
// Texture Loader
const bakedTexture = new TextureLoader().load('/models/portal/baked.jpg')
bakedTexture.flipY = false
bakedTexture.encoding = sRGBEncoding
// Baked material
const bakedMaterial = new MeshBasicMaterial({
map: bakedTexture,
side: DoubleSide,
// Texture Loader
const bakedTexture = new TextureLoader().load('/models/portal/baked.jpg')
bakedTexture.flipY = false
bakedTexture.encoding = sRGBEncoding
// Baked material
const bakedMaterial = new MeshBasicMaterial({
map: bakedTexture,
side: DoubleSide,
Draco loader for better performance
Draco is an open source library for compressing and decompressing 3D meshes and point clouds. Compressed geometry can be significantly smaller, at the cost of additional decoding time on the client device.
ThreeJS offers a Draco loader to load compressed glTF files.
const dracoLoader = new DRACOLoader()
const gltfLoader = new GLTFLoader()
const dracoLoader = new DRACOLoader()
const gltfLoader = new GLTFLoader()
Portal animation
The portal animation is made with a shader material, contained on a fragment.glsl
and vertex.glsl
files, using a time uniform to animate the color and a Perlin 3D Noise effect by Stefan Gusanov for the portal.
varying vec2 vUv;
uniform float uTime;
uniform vec3 uColorStart;
uniform vec3 uColorEnd;
// Classic Perlin 3D Noise
// by Stefan Gustavson
vec4 permute(vec4 x){return mod(((x*34.0)+1.0)*x, 289.0);}
vec4 taylorInvSqrt(vec4 r){return 1.79284291400159 - 0.85373472095314 * r;}
vec3 fade(vec3 t) {return t*t*t*(t*(t*6.0-15.0)+10.0);}
float cnoise(vec3 P){
vec3 Pi0 = floor(P); // Integer part for indexing
vec3 Pi1 = Pi0 + vec3(1.0); // Integer part + 1
Pi0 = mod(Pi0, 289.0);
Pi1 = mod(Pi1, 289.0);
vec3 Pf0 = fract(P); // Fractional part for interpolation
vec3 Pf1 = Pf0 - vec3(1.0); // Fractional part - 1.0
vec4 ix = vec4(Pi0.x, Pi1.x, Pi0.x, Pi1.x);
vec4 iy = vec4(Pi0.yy, Pi1.yy);
vec4 iz0 = Pi0.zzzz;
vec4 iz1 = Pi1.zzzz;
vec4 ixy = permute(permute(ix) + iy);
vec4 ixy0 = permute(ixy + iz0);
vec4 ixy1 = permute(ixy + iz1);
vec4 gx0 = ixy0 / 7.0;
vec4 gy0 = fract(floor(gx0) / 7.0) - 0.5;
gx0 = fract(gx0);
vec4 gz0 = vec4(0.5) - abs(gx0) - abs(gy0);
vec4 sz0 = step(gz0, vec4(0.0));
gx0 -= sz0 * (step(0.0, gx0) - 0.5);
gy0 -= sz0 * (step(0.0, gy0) - 0.5);
vec4 gx1 = ixy1 / 7.0;
vec4 gy1 = fract(floor(gx1) / 7.0) - 0.5;
gx1 = fract(gx1);
vec4 gz1 = vec4(0.5) - abs(gx1) - abs(gy1);
vec4 sz1 = step(gz1, vec4(0.0));
gx1 -= sz1 * (step(0.0, gx1) - 0.5);
gy1 -= sz1 * (step(0.0, gy1) - 0.5);
vec3 g000 = vec3(gx0.x,gy0.x,gz0.x);
vec3 g100 = vec3(gx0.y,gy0.y,gz0.y);
vec3 g010 = vec3(gx0.z,gy0.z,gz0.z);
vec3 g110 = vec3(gx0.w,gy0.w,gz0.w);
vec3 g001 = vec3(gx1.x,gy1.x,gz1.x);
vec3 g101 = vec3(gx1.y,gy1.y,gz1.y);
vec3 g011 = vec3(gx1.z,gy1.z,gz1.z);
vec3 g111 = vec3(gx1.w,gy1.w,gz1.w);
vec4 norm0 = taylorInvSqrt(vec4(dot(g000, g000), dot(g010, g010), dot(g100, g100), dot(g110, g110)));
g000 *= norm0.x;
g010 *= norm0.y;
g100 *= norm0.z;
g110 *= norm0.w;
vec4 norm1 = taylorInvSqrt(vec4(dot(g001, g001), dot(g011, g011), dot(g101, g101), dot(g111, g111)));
g001 *= norm1.x;
g011 *= norm1.y;
g101 *= norm1.z;
g111 *= norm1.w;
float n000 = dot(g000, Pf0);
float n100 = dot(g100, vec3(Pf1.x, Pf0.yz));
float n010 = dot(g010, vec3(Pf0.x, Pf1.y, Pf0.z));
float n110 = dot(g110, vec3(Pf1.xy, Pf0.z));
float n001 = dot(g001, vec3(Pf0.xy, Pf1.z));
float n101 = dot(g101, vec3(Pf1.x, Pf0.y, Pf1.z));
float n011 = dot(g011, vec3(Pf0.x, Pf1.yz));
float n111 = dot(g111, Pf1);
vec3 fade_xyz = fade(Pf0);
vec4 n_z = mix(vec4(n000, n100, n010, n110), vec4(n001, n101, n011, n111), fade_xyz.z);
vec2 n_yz = mix(n_z.xy, n_z.zw, fade_xyz.y);
float n_xyz = mix(n_yz.x, n_yz.y, fade_xyz.x);
return 2.2 * n_xyz;
void main()
float speed = 0.1;
// Displace the UV coordinates by a noise value
vec2 displacedUv = vUv + cnoise(vec3(vUv* 5.0, uTime * speed));
// Get the color from the texture
float strength = cnoise(vec3(displacedUv * 5.0, uTime * speed * 2.0));
// Outer Glow
float outerGlow = distance(vUv, vec2(0.5)) * 5.0 - 1.4;
strength += outerGlow;
strength += step(- 0.2, strength) * 0.8;
strength = clamp(strength, 0.0, 1.0);
vec3 color = mix(uColorStart, uColorEnd, strength);
gl_FragColor = vec4(color, 1.0);
varying vec2 vUv;
uniform float uTime;
uniform vec3 uColorStart;
uniform vec3 uColorEnd;
// Classic Perlin 3D Noise
// by Stefan Gustavson
vec4 permute(vec4 x){return mod(((x*34.0)+1.0)*x, 289.0);}
vec4 taylorInvSqrt(vec4 r){return 1.79284291400159 - 0.85373472095314 * r;}
vec3 fade(vec3 t) {return t*t*t*(t*(t*6.0-15.0)+10.0);}
float cnoise(vec3 P){
vec3 Pi0 = floor(P); // Integer part for indexing
vec3 Pi1 = Pi0 + vec3(1.0); // Integer part + 1
Pi0 = mod(Pi0, 289.0);
Pi1 = mod(Pi1, 289.0);
vec3 Pf0 = fract(P); // Fractional part for interpolation
vec3 Pf1 = Pf0 - vec3(1.0); // Fractional part - 1.0
vec4 ix = vec4(Pi0.x, Pi1.x, Pi0.x, Pi1.x);
vec4 iy = vec4(Pi0.yy, Pi1.yy);
vec4 iz0 = Pi0.zzzz;
vec4 iz1 = Pi1.zzzz;
vec4 ixy = permute(permute(ix) + iy);
vec4 ixy0 = permute(ixy + iz0);
vec4 ixy1 = permute(ixy + iz1);
vec4 gx0 = ixy0 / 7.0;
vec4 gy0 = fract(floor(gx0) / 7.0) - 0.5;
gx0 = fract(gx0);
vec4 gz0 = vec4(0.5) - abs(gx0) - abs(gy0);
vec4 sz0 = step(gz0, vec4(0.0));
gx0 -= sz0 * (step(0.0, gx0) - 0.5);
gy0 -= sz0 * (step(0.0, gy0) - 0.5);
vec4 gx1 = ixy1 / 7.0;
vec4 gy1 = fract(floor(gx1) / 7.0) - 0.5;
gx1 = fract(gx1);
vec4 gz1 = vec4(0.5) - abs(gx1) - abs(gy1);
vec4 sz1 = step(gz1, vec4(0.0));
gx1 -= sz1 * (step(0.0, gx1) - 0.5);
gy1 -= sz1 * (step(0.0, gy1) - 0.5);
vec3 g000 = vec3(gx0.x,gy0.x,gz0.x);
vec3 g100 = vec3(gx0.y,gy0.y,gz0.y);
vec3 g010 = vec3(gx0.z,gy0.z,gz0.z);
vec3 g110 = vec3(gx0.w,gy0.w,gz0.w);
vec3 g001 = vec3(gx1.x,gy1.x,gz1.x);
vec3 g101 = vec3(gx1.y,gy1.y,gz1.y);
vec3 g011 = vec3(gx1.z,gy1.z,gz1.z);
vec3 g111 = vec3(gx1.w,gy1.w,gz1.w);
vec4 norm0 = taylorInvSqrt(vec4(dot(g000, g000), dot(g010, g010), dot(g100, g100), dot(g110, g110)));
g000 *= norm0.x;
g010 *= norm0.y;
g100 *= norm0.z;
g110 *= norm0.w;
vec4 norm1 = taylorInvSqrt(vec4(dot(g001, g001), dot(g011, g011), dot(g101, g101), dot(g111, g111)));
g001 *= norm1.x;
g011 *= norm1.y;
g101 *= norm1.z;
g111 *= norm1.w;
float n000 = dot(g000, Pf0);
float n100 = dot(g100, vec3(Pf1.x, Pf0.yz));
float n010 = dot(g010, vec3(Pf0.x, Pf1.y, Pf0.z));
float n110 = dot(g110, vec3(Pf1.xy, Pf0.z));
float n001 = dot(g001, vec3(Pf0.xy, Pf1.z));
float n101 = dot(g101, vec3(Pf1.x, Pf0.y, Pf1.z));
float n011 = dot(g011, vec3(Pf0.x, Pf1.yz));
float n111 = dot(g111, Pf1);
vec3 fade_xyz = fade(Pf0);
vec4 n_z = mix(vec4(n000, n100, n010, n110), vec4(n001, n101, n011, n111), fade_xyz.z);
vec2 n_yz = mix(n_z.xy, n_z.zw, fade_xyz.y);
float n_xyz = mix(n_yz.x, n_yz.y, fade_xyz.x);
return 2.2 * n_xyz;
void main()
float speed = 0.1;
// Displace the UV coordinates by a noise value
vec2 displacedUv = vUv + cnoise(vec3(vUv* 5.0, uTime * speed));
// Get the color from the texture
float strength = cnoise(vec3(displacedUv * 5.0, uTime * speed * 2.0));
// Outer Glow
float outerGlow = distance(vUv, vec2(0.5)) * 5.0 - 1.4;
strength += outerGlow;
strength += step(- 0.2, strength) * 0.8;
strength = clamp(strength, 0.0, 1.0);
vec3 color = mix(uColorStart, uColorEnd, strength);
gl_FragColor = vec4(color, 1.0);